SSAB presented a variety of free mobile apps at the bauma 2019 expo that help customers calculate savings when using SSAB’s high-strength steels Hardox wear plate and Strenx performance steel.
The apps which are available on the App Store and Google Play, include WearCalc and WeldCalc. WearCalc helps users compare different Hardox grades for their particular application and calculate the increase in service life and payload when upgrading from mild steel to high-strength steel. The app can also be used to predict erosion wear, sliding wear and impact wear.
WeldCalc helps welders optimize the process of welding Strenx or Hardox steel. The user simply inputs the parameters to view the recommended machine settings, temperature, heat input and a risk analysis.
For customers who want to get better payload as well as reduce their environmental impact, SSAB launched a new app for its SSAB EcoUpgraded customers. The SSAB EcoUpgraded app shows customers how they can contribute to lowering CO2 emissions and fuel consumption over the lifecycle of a product that is upgraded to high-strength steel. Customers can also select different options to view the savings during operation or the increase in capacity during operation.
All SSAB apps provide users with the option to save, export or share results with colleagues. The apps provide customers with actionable information that can enable them to optimize the best steel for a specific application and type of wear; increase the service life of equipment; decrease product weight and increase payload; improve fuel economy; and reduce environmental impact.