Byrne Equipment Rental has been supplying a variety of equipment including power equipment and mast climbing work platforms (MCWPs) for construction of the SeaWorld Abu Dhabi theme park. With regard to temporary power and fuel, Byrne is supplying 2 x 500kVA generators in addition to daily fuel deliveries for the entire project.
A unique requirement from the site management team was to install 16 specially designed mast climbers without the normal spacing between tie-in frames. During the initial stages of the project, Byrne had to design the MCWP installations accounting for gaps ranging from 28m to 32m between the tie-in frames.
Simon Hickson, regional business manager–hoists, MCWP and powered access, Byrne Equipment Rental, explains: “With over 300 mast climbers in our rental fleet across the GCC, we have the resources as well the technical knowledge to cover extremely challenging and unique projects and applications. Therefore, when we received the scope for this project, we were well equipped to deliver. We ensured that no ties were fixed between areas of 32m tie space within the facade and this was applied across multiple locations. We used the right machine for the job and ensured that a limited SWL of 3000kg to 4000kg was placed on the unit, depending on the configuration. We focused on how the MCWP’s were going to be tied to the structure, and more importantly the main steel beams. This was overcome by a special clamping tie that took in to account the many variations of steel sizes at site, while ensuring that the large tie loads were dispersed / absorbed back to the main structure safely.”
Byrne’s team has over 100 years of combined experience in the MCWP field, covering the planning and operations of large scale projects and are adept in the process. Byrne has deployed full-time staff at the SeaWorld construction site for the duration of the project, to cover the servicing, training and relocations of the machines.
Simon explains the company’s safety standards and protocols: “All staff deployed to this project are strictly IPAF trained, as is the high standards that Byrne dictate internally and externally with any scope or project. Byrne follows strict protocols with regard to COVID procedures both in our internal and external operations. Internally, regular updates with regards to COVID-19 and our strategy to tackle it are communicated via email from our senior leadership team. The HSE department and operations teams work closely together to provide all the staff with training through ‘Tool Box Talks’ and regular consultation with individuals to ensure everyone has the knowledge to identify symptoms, control measures and actions to take if a potential case may arise with themselves or others. As a static reminder, COVID-19 posters are displayed in multiple languages at camps, offices, yards and sites.
When working on projects, Byrne employees adhere to the COVID-19 Byrne ‘Self-Checklist’. This is enforced by the site supervisors and on completion is returned to line managers. In the case of any issues or concerns, work is postponed until the situation is rectified and it is safe to proceed. The site protocols for this project far exceed the basic requirements, and it’s extremely clear that Byrne and the client want to safe guard everyone’s safety and limit any risks.”