Posted inVehicles

Mercedes-Benz offers alternative ventilation and antiviral protection for Citaro and Conecto buses without air-conditioning

Mercedes-Benz is offering the new EvoFresh ventilation systems with integrated fans and air filters with an antiviral protection function for the Citaro city bus and Conecto variants without air-conditioning in the passenger compartment. The modules are mounted below the standard electrically-operated roof hatches on the Citaro and Conecto; two on the solo vehicle and four on the articulated bus.

The new modules offer multiple functions for optimal ventilation capability. The driver opens the electrically-operated roof hatches against the direction of travel at the push of a button from their cab. When they do so, and the automatic blower is activated, fresh air comes in from the outside, and recirculated air is drawn in from the vehicle, filtered before being sent into the passenger compartment as filtered mixed air. Without activating the intake blower, the roof hatches act as ventilation and assist with rapid air exchange.

If the driver opens the roof hatches in the direction of travel, fresh air flows in unhindered from the outside. Finally, when the roof hatch is closed – for example at low temperatures during the colder times of the year– the modules filter the circu­lated air in the passenger compartment very effectively when the fans are running.

The system independently regulates fan speed. The maximum air output per module is 1350 cubic metres per hour. This provides complete air replenishment in the vehicle within up to two minutes. EvoFresh modules are available for almost all Citaros with combustion engines and the Conecto, Citaro LE and Citaro GNÜ on request.