Balkrishna Industries Ltd. (BKT) is operating a contactless Covid-19 treatment centre and E-ICU unit built at its plant in Bhuj, India. The centre, which joins the secondary medical assistance services that already exist on the site, employs a doctor and 8 healthcare operators and will be responsible for treating workers and their families affected by Covid-19.
The facility is equipped with remote patient monitoring systems, data analytics on diagnostics and medicine management, high-flow oxygen machines, remote consultations using augmented reality, data availability across the globe for e-consults through cloud monitoring systems and AI enabled X-ray imaging systems. It is one of the first ever contactless E-ICU, Covid-19 treatment structure to be built outside of a hospital environment in India, designed by a team of doctors, engineers and IT experts.
Arvind Poddar, chairman and managing director of BKT, said: “At a time, such as this, corporate social responsibility is more important than ever. We must take care, protect, support and help each other. We are trying to do this in India and in the world through initiatives realized by our branches in Italy and in the United States of America. We need positive messages, commitment, solidarity, and triumph of the human spirit.”
BKT has restarted production at the Bhuj plant while following rigid safety procedures in line with governmental provisions as well as the strictest globally recognized practices. To further reduce the risk of contagion and infection, a three-prong strategy of smart screening, responsive testing and proactive medication has been deployed. Initially, community testing was carried out in the factory, and subsequently all the contact tracing protocols were implemented.
BKT operators its Bhuj manufacturing plant as a community facility with a modern campus, hospital, recreation centre, club and the new Covid-19 treatment centre.